Детские лагеря и туры в России и за рубежом
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Join Us and let Russia know about your great Camp at incamp.ru

Welcome to the largest Russian online catalog of all season Camps all over the world with free booking service – incamp.ru.

5 193 camps and programs for children

in 50 regions of Russia

in 52 countries

We will be happy to tell Russia about your unique Camp!


We are young, professional, ambitious and active.

We offer opportunity, perspective, new clients and support.

You get new market, new partners, promotion and comport.

How to join

  1. Complete an application form by pressing the bottom "join incamp.ru now", call us or write us an e-mail;
  2. Pay subscription fee – EUR 350,00/year*;
  3. Within 24 hours you will get access to your personal account, and visitors will see all information (location, accommodation, seasons, activities etc) about your camp on it’s page.

* you will get unique offer answering your personal requests

incamp.ru work every day for kids and parents to find best possibilities for holidays, meeting new friends, geting new experiences, knowledgies and smiles!